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Filmler ve Filimler

İşbirliği & Etkinlik & Bilgi: YouTube Türkiye'nin En Büyük Sinema Kanalına Hoşgeldin... Yeryüzünde vizyona giren iyi filmlere 'FİLM, kötü filimlere 'FİLİM' diyoruz. Filmi FİLİMDEN ayıran oluşum! Filmler ve Filimler is a Turkish entertainment platform. We produce movie parodies to make people smile. Film is the grade that we gave to "good" productions. Filim is the grade that we gave to "bad" productions. Charlie Chaplin logo means "Film" and Hitler logo means "Filim". Watch it, like it, share it !

Channel Created on: 04/Dec/2015

Total Subscribers: 1940000

Total Videos: 920

Total Views: 552575333

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